Photo Galleries

Here you can find some our before and after pictures of stunning cleaning results of completed jobs

Very dirt carpets are always my favourite due to positve impact my services bring to whole experience of suroundings expecialy in home invirament. 🥰 Having a clean carpet at home or office makes a diffriece. Ludlow carpet cleaning area.

I wanted to share with you this great carpet cleaning results. Last job of the day in Tenbury Wells. Carpets came out really clean and soft. Really Big difference.

On this occasion professional upholstery cleaning and another very happy customer. All customers I treat with individual approach, aiming always for The best possible results.

First carpet cleaning after 15 years? Not a problem! Altho I am sure that carpet was regularly vacuumed. It took me to do some decent agitation to remove this heavy soiled traffic lines, but as always resutls are amazing. And customers very happy.

Short video with before and after carpet cleaning results at Tyrrells Potato Crisps office areas. Heavily soiled carpets coming back great with strong solvent based detergent prespray.

Great appearance and feel improvement of leather upholstery cleaning and carpet deep cleaning from this week.

One of the dirtiest (favourites) carpet I had occasion to clean this year so far. ? Still and not otherwise - great cleaning results. ?

This time Black MINI Cooper Countryman. Check before and after pictures and please leave the comment.

Yesterday we had beautiful weather. Perfect for car interiors cleaning. On example below upholstery cleaning with hot water (detergent) extraction method + deodorizer.

Stunning results of carpet deep cleaning in Worcester. 3 rooms and corridor, heavy traffic lines - favourite cleaning. Many thanks for Martin for helping in carrying equipment to fourth floor.

End of tenancy carpet cleaning from last Friday. Lovely family house, carpets with thick fibers really appreciated deep cleaning.

Collection of stunning result of deep cleaning chairs and bench.

The picture with first carpet is just unbelievable as at the begining this carpet looks like no carpet at all anymore.

Before and after pictures of amazing cleaning results. What you can't see on this pictures is successful deodorization after previous tenants who kept pets. This was the best time to order carpet cleaning before Christmas.

With this last job of year 2020 (see pictures below) to all our valued customers I would like to wish you a happy new year. Thank you for putting trust in my services especially in these uncertain times. Cheers to you.

Last week was very busy and this one is no diferent. I have a policy of a limited amount of customers I can take per day to allow for enough time to complete my jobs to the highest standard possible. The last thing I would want is to rush a job and provide a poor service, as your satisfaction is key. On this occasion check today's stunning carpet cleaning results on before and after pictures below. Really satisfying job that was. Customers - very happy.

Another happy customer. Fiat 500 interiors cleaning. See the before and after picture.

Van upholstery interiors cleaning. Cleaned and deodorized. Finishing with a deep steam clean leaving the upholstery looking and smelling fresh once again. No more diesel smell

Bedroom, stairs and stairs landing carpet cleaning. One of the most satisfied customers to whom I owe my recommendations

Some examples of after cleaning stunning results. Check before and after pictures.

Staircase and landing carpet cleaning in apartment in Tenbury. Before and after pictures

Large size living room with my favourite kind of carpet - dirty, paint, water stains, had to clean traffic lines twice. See tremendous difference on before and after pictures. It was realy satysfaing task.

Gallery of aftermath carpet cleaning. Jobs in Tenbury Wells, newnham bridge and Kidderminster

Satisfying results from today's cleaning very dirty carpet and sofa. See before and after pictures. All was dry before kids came back from school.

Couple carpet cleaned for customer in Ullingswick. Really good results. Some stains ware really stubborn, but managed to clear out. See the before and after pictures

Galery of before and after carpet cleaning stuning results. Job for family mowing in their new house in Ludlow.

New apartment with really nice fluffy, thick carpets. First deep carpet cleaning since apartment was purchased. Customers very happy with cleaning results

Another gallery with good example of great upholstery cleaning results. All stains removed.

Photo gallery of carpet, rug and upholstery cleaning. Jobs in Tenbury and Kidderminster. A significant difference

Example of deep cleaning carpets and rugs contaminated with pet stains. Cleaned and deodorized. All stains and odour removed leaving behind gentle cherry sense.

Mascara and "children stains" removal with carpet cleaning at Bromyard. Before and after pictures. A significant difference

Gallery of photos related more to the Carpet Pro Cleaning company itself than carpet and upholstery cleaning